Dektak Pro delivers accurate, precise data with the highest resolution, lowest n.....
Handheld XRF Spectrometer
The TRACER 5 pXRF spectrometer; ideal for Methods Development, Research and Comp.....
The World's First TXRF Spectrometer for Trace Analysis
The CTX is all about high performance EDXRF in a small, lightweight and sleek, p.....
The PV150 is the only all-in-one PV tester that can complete simple, fast and co.....
The DektakXT® stylus profiler features a revolutionary design that enables unmat.....
Today Q2 ION is the small and light ultra-compact spark emission spectrometer fo.....
Super Light Element Micro-XRF Spectrometer
Handheld XRF with a Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) is ideal for measuring all of t.....
The most compact & cost effective I-V curve tracer on the market
Large-Format Wafer and Panel Measurement
Address:Room 301, 28 Songjiang Hi-tech park, 518 Xinzhuan Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai