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Live Online Seminar:从矿石到金属看XRF, OES, CS/ONH元素分析技术如何助力现代金属采矿及生产


Live Online Seminar:

From Ores to Metals: How Mining and Production Benefit from Elemental Analysis by Modern XRF, OES and CS/ON


从矿石到金属:看XRF, OES, CS/ONH元素分析技术如何助力现代金属采矿及生产

October 6, 2022
15:00 - 16:00 PM GMT+8

Agenda / 60 min

✔ Introduction to XRF 

✔ Application in Metal Mining and Mineral Beneficiation 

✔ Hands-on Session: Metal Ore Analysis with WDXRF 

✔ Applications during Metal Production and for Final QC

✔ Hands-on Session: Cast Iron Analysis with OES 

✔ Q&A Session with our Experts




Fast and accurate analysis of elemental concentrations is required in many steps along the value chain of the metal industry. Starting with the resources, grade control of metal ores is often done by 

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry. Next, at the furnaces and smelters, incoming raw materials need to be tested, involving especially spark Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES) and XRF. 


Once the material is molten, decisions need to be made quickly based on reliable data as wrong decisions can result in massive problems, downtime, and financial loss. Here, the analysis of slag from electric-arc furnaces (EAF) and ladle-metal furnaces (LMF) with XRF ensures a smooth production process. After casting the metal, OES comes into play to check rapidly if the metal composition is within spec. And, when it comes to final product quality, there is no way around Combustion/Fusion Gas Analysis (CGA) for highest precision analysis of C and S as well as of O, N and H impurities (CS/ONH).


In this live online seminar, our experts will explain what XRF, OES, and CS/ONH can do for you! In two live-from-the-lab sessions, we will show how to operate our spectrometers and provide valuable tips and tricks regarding sample preparation and handling. This interactive online seminar will be particularly interesting for QA and lab managers, technicians, and researchers.


Which Applications will be covered?

✔ Coal and Coke Analysis

✔ Metal Ore Grade Control: Copper, Iron, Aluminum, …

✔ Quality Control of Slag dosing agents (dolomite, fluorite, …)

✔ EAF and LMF Slag Analysis

✔ Product Quality: Cast Iron, Tool Steel, Ferroalloys, …

✔ and more …







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